Our Approach

  • Advocacy. UPDN is actively involved in advocating for Government, Work Place and road transport stakeholders’ enabling laws, policies and regulations for improved road safety, Driver Health and Livelihood with specific emphasis on women and the youth. Most of our Advocacy actions are implemented through annual events, media campaigns, and stakeholder engagement meetings.
  • Capacity Building. We are offering capacity-building trainings for individual drivers (professional driver Continuous Professional Development training), drivers’ Associations (Corporate Governance, Strategy Development, Project Management) driving schools (Quality Assurance and Standards), and driver employers (Professional Drivers’ Management). UPDN implements this through tailored classroom and field-based professional training and refresher programs
  • Networking, Coordination and Partnerships. Providing a platform for professionalising practising drivers and their Organisations and being a Networking platform for Driver leaders, driving schools, driver employers and Government for coordinated and sustainable National programs for improved road safety, Driver Health and Livelihood. Implemented through the signing of working M.O.Us for Joint Ventures and Activities besides organising and coordinating relevant stakeholders’ events and meetings
  • Knowledge Management. We regularly review, develop and disseminate relevant industry literature and programs on Road Safety, Driver Health and Livelihood