UPDN is currently mobilising and building capacities of drivers Associations’ SACCOs in Uganda under its livelihood programming to form a consortium that can lead to establishment of a National Drivers’ microfinance institution and in a long run where possible transition into a Drivers’ Bank.
Meanwhile the transport sector workers largely being informal workers depend on daily disposable income as opposed to formalized earning schemes. We performed a status analysis and discovered on average bus drivers earn between fifty thousand Uganda shillings to eighty thousand Uganda shillings on a daily basis for non-formalized operators. Bodaboda riders on average earn between ten thousand and fifty thousand Uganda shillings daily depending on areas of operation. Taxi drivers are low on income but are able to generate between twenty thousand Uganda shillings and forty thousand Uganda shillings. Drivers operating trucks and other earth moving equipment earn more disposable cash than the rest of the operators because of the liquidity level of their operations. There are several drivers’ groups/associations scattered throughout the country, with majority involved in welfare related programs for their members. We recently obtained data for registered drivers and Bodaboda Associations with registered SACCOs from the Ministry of Trade. The data has one hundred and forty four (144) SACCOs with more than three quarters on probation and the remaining quarter having permanent registration status.
Driving jobs still being largely an informal trade, less than 10% of commercial drivers have appointment letters, are formally and professionally employed, benefit from the recommended employee emoluments and fringe benefits like social security, insurance, leave days and others besides the common low and irregular salary payments.
Nonetheless; the drivers not like other sectors with low employee standard monthly pay, have an advantage of access to regular (daily) disposable income
UPDN is offering Management, financial, livelihood and entrepreneur skills to existing organized drivers’ groups who have saving schemes in Uganda to enhance their capacities to attract and manage members’ savings and properly account and invest the saving resources to be able to foster sustainable personal finance management and saving culture among transport operators in Uganda.
Drivers' Livelihood Activities by UPDN

Advocacy for improved Driver Livelihood
- In 2020, UPDN ensured that during the amendment of The Traffic and Road Safety Act; there was an introduction of a provision to empower the Minister for Works and Transport to recognize, organize and strengthen existing driver savings groups for improved driver livelihood and road safety situation
- Advocated to over 50 driver employers in Uganda to adopt formal employment for their drivers and 29 have been able to implement the policy for their drivers
- Engaged 46 Drivers’ associations to transition from ordinary and seemingly political groups not having any livelihood or welfare programs for their membership

Capacity Building for Improved Driver Livelihood
- Managed to train and transformed 9 drivers associations into promising drivers’ welfare and or investments clubs empowering their members’ economically
- Offered training for strengthening the financial and technical capacity of 23 drivers’ Associations in Uganda

Knowledge Management for improved Driver Livelihood
- Prepared tailored manuals and Conducted training of 23 drivers’ executive group members in group cohesion, management and leadership for successful operation of the SACCOS
- Developed and Conducted entrepreneurship training targeting driver associations and groups’ executive members of the drivers’ SACCOS
- Prepared tailored Drivers’ training module in driver livelihood. 23 drivers’ associations and 3,117 drivers have so far benefited from our Driver livelihood trainings
- Developed tailored drivers’ and their groups’ financial literacy and management training module that has so far reached the 23 drivers’ associations and 3,117 individual drivers in Uganda

Networking, Coordination and Partnerships for Improved Driver Health
- UPDN is currently mobilising and building capacities of drivers Associations’ SACCOs in Uganda under its livelihood programming to form a consortium that can lead to establishment of a National Drivers’ microfinance institution and in a long run where possible transition into a Drivers’ Bank.

Knowledge Management for improved Driver Livelihood
- Prepared tailored manuals and Conducted training of 23 drivers’ executive group members in group cohesion, management and leadership for successful operation of the SACCOS
- Developed and Conducted entrepreneurship training targeting driver associations and groups’ executive members of the drivers’ SACCOS
- Prepared tailored Drivers’ training module in driver livelihood. 23 drivers’ associations and 3,117 drivers have so far benefited from our Driver livelihood trainings
- Developed tailored drivers’ and their groups’ financial literacy and management training module that has so far reached the 23 drivers’ associations and 3,117 individual drivers in Uganda

Networking, Coordination and Partnerships for Improved Driver Health
- UPDN is currently mobilising and building capacities of drivers Associations’ SACCOs in Uganda under its livelihood programming to form a consortium that can lead to establishment of a National Drivers’ microfinance institution and in a long run where possible transition into a Drivers’ Bank.