Networking, Coordination and Partnerships for Improved Driver Health

Advocacy for Improved Driver Health

  1. Advocated for and influenced 17 transport companies to adopt enabling HIV work place policies for their drivers
  2. UPDN advocated for and is currently a member of The HIV Prevention Technical Working Group at the Uganda Aids Commission
  3. A member of the Ministry of Health National Taskforce for Points of Entry Sub-Committee for Infectious Diseases Prevention
  4. Influenced National policy formulation for COVID19 Guidelines for the Transport Sector in Uganda 2020 and 2021
  5. Influenced tailored National HIV and related infections Prevention, Mitigation and care services and Programs targeting drivers in Uganda from both the Government and Private Sector stakeholders in Uganda. This among others, included influencing location of service delivery points at border points and areas like parking or transport corridors for easy access by the target community of drivers
  6. UPDN has been able to ably influence emerging Government policies, including influencing dropping off unfavorable positions affecting drivers health introduced by Government and road transport stakeholders
  7. Participated in review and update of The Points of Entry Regulations for Uganda under The Ministry of Health